Maxime Bichon, Éléonore False, Julien Goniche, Moshe Jawad,
Morag Keil, Marlie Mul, Travess Smalley, Ayano Sudo

Forward: Post Stille is the second publication of the Forward Collection. Forward is a workshop and the book is the product of its two-week long creative session. Artists collaborate through the exchange of a consecutive series of e-mails: their collaborations are compiled and reproduced here in chronological order. The workshop took place between Aug. 15, 2012 and Aug. 29, 2012. It includes works of: Maxime Bichon, Éléonore False, Julien Goniche, Moshe Jawad, Morag Keil, Marlie Mul, Travess Smalley and
Ayano Sudo.

Pages: 141 p.
Language: English / French
Published in: Mar. 2013
Book design by Mathilde Dalibard & Sandra Valode
Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 19 x 13 x 1.4 cm
Process: digital, color
Edition: 100 copies
ISBN: 979-10-92149-01-2

Price: 24€